Spaghetti with Juniper Chard
Lent - in the true sense of the word. This is for a few days the last recipe, because I put a week with fasting.
Read MoreLent - in the true sense of the word. This is for a few days the last recipe, because I put a week with fasting.
Read MorePoached eggs are a scourge of us amateur cooks - always nail-biting whether it will succeed this time.
Read MoreAt the end of this culinary weekend we have “Soul Kitchen” in the early show (nice movie, food for the gastro-island-dream) This incredibly American pasta recipe with the incredibly American name, recooked from “Kochlust Vegetarisch” (Dorling Kindersley Verlag, a very nice book).
Read MoreChildhood memories - kidneys used to be my absolute favorite. For birthdays we were always allowed to wish what should be cooked.
Read MoreA wintry vegetable to match the weather: parsnips are good to get now.
Read More“The wife asks me to make something normal again, and I’m happy to do so, because last week’s work is still bothering me a bit and I want to switch off a bit this weekend.
Read MoreAfter a week on the road, finally an evening at home again.
Read MoreToday again a heartier vegetable dish, for a change and to cheer up, made of two kinds of cabbage with proper spices and a cheese covering against the enemies of the pudding.
Read MoreHello you mid-forties, can you still remember the time before your culinary revival?
Read MoreThis dish is a combination of Irish Stew with Pichelsteiner. I emphasize the latter because it is based on a recipe by Wolfram Siebeck, whom I hold in high esteem, and who refined the old German version of stew to make it gourmet.
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