Japanese Knotweed with Lamb Sausage
Today we are going to eat an exotic plant that is actually more native than the contents of, say, a guacamole.
Read MoreToday we are going to eat an exotic plant that is actually more native than the contents of, say, a guacamole.
Read MoreAfter work - a quick dinner is needed. Luckily, I already cooked two medium sized beet tubers yesterday, so I can make good use of them now.
Read Moreherb pumpkin very quickly -++- cut small hokkaido into wedges -++- half vegetable onion into rings -++- sauté both together in the pan -++- then steam with a little vegetable broth and marjoram until done (10 min) -++-cook basmati rice with it -++- quickly pick some of the late wild herbs outside in the garden -++- nasturtium, daisies, chickweed, stinging nettle, ground elder -++- roast nettle seeds with old wholemeal bread crumbs in a lot of butter -++- add two pieces of leftover broccoli -++- add chopped herbs over the vegetables -++- take a picture with your iphone -++- ready, enjoy!
Read MoreThe day is green-yellow-brown autumnal, it begins to rain in the evening.
Read MoreExperiment. I have four small veal cutlets, 150 grams in total, thinly sliced and want something different than always “Wiener”.
Read MoreDarkness. Footsteps. The door opens creakily and it suddenly becomes blindingly bright.
Read MoreToday I feel like something rustic. At the organic market there are huge potatoes, one of them goes into the basket - it weighs almost a pound.
Read MoreThe other day on the road I noticed in one of the many cooking magazines a recipe with cauliflower - steamed whole and basted with radish herb butter.
Read MoreThis is a simple and quick recipe for which there are many variations.
Read MoreVacation time is the time of culinary deprivations - who once cycled along the classic excursion gastronomy -as I just did at the Dortmund-Ems canal-, knows what I’m talking about.
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