Favorite Potato Bread
It is the star of my everyday bakery - a bread from yeast potato dough that has already crept into our bread consumption in the most different combinations and so slowly displaces the bought spelt bread.
Read MoreIt is the star of my everyday bakery - a bread from yeast potato dough that has already crept into our bread consumption in the most different combinations and so slowly displaces the bought spelt bread.
Read Moreherb pumpkin very quickly -++- cut small hokkaido into wedges -++- half vegetable onion into rings -++- sauté both together in the pan -++- then steam with a little vegetable broth and marjoram until done (10 min) -++-cook basmati rice with it -++- quickly pick some of the late wild herbs outside in the garden -++- nasturtium, daisies, chickweed, stinging nettle, ground elder -++- roast nettle seeds with old wholemeal bread crumbs in a lot of butter -++- add two pieces of leftover broccoli -++- add chopped herbs over the vegetables -++- take a picture with your iphone -++- ready, enjoy!
Read MoreNigel Slater loves parsnips. That’s why his great vegetable gardening and cooking book Tender has quite a few recipes on the subject.
Read MoreWe had a beautiful weekend. The almost still summery early autumn weather has tempted us to collect, mountains of rowan berries, sloes, hawthorn, wild apples and pears and just rose hips we now have on the kitchen table.
Read MoreThis is a simple and quick recipe for which there are many variations.
Read MoreAttention - wake-up call! Right now is the time to pick green walnuts and turn them into pickled delights - at least I hope they will be.
Read MoreIt’s getting cold again! Then the blackthorn liqueur put on in September comes just right.
Read MoreRecently in Vorpommern I could try the apple-beetroot juice of Mosterei Remy.
Read MoreSometimes the idea for a dish arises like a crescendo - first the desire for an ingredient is there, and while it is already in progress, only little by little the other building blocks are added, without planning, but out of a natural harmony - and to bring the lyrical composition back down to earth: sometimes simply from the domestic supplies that need to be used up, The result is unpredictable and often - well, “interesting”.
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