Mediterranean Savoy Cabbage and Feta Cheese Lasagna
The haul from yesterday’s visit to the market also included a large chunk of pickled feta cheese, as well as a few pickled mozzarella balls.
Read MoreThe haul from yesterday’s visit to the market also included a large chunk of pickled feta cheese, as well as a few pickled mozzarella balls.
Read MoreA little research on the Internet reveals some astonishing and shocking things - quite a few “original Waldorf salad” recipes, some of which are ghastly modifications, e.
Read MoreToday again a heartier vegetable dish, for a change and to cheer up, made of two kinds of cabbage with proper spices and a cheese covering against the enemies of the pudding.
Read MoreToday quick and easy, inspired by Nigel Slater. 1 chard perennial, white and green cut separately.
Read MorePlain dessert: some pickled oranges as beautifully described by Claudia on the foolforfood blog.
Read MoreStop! The conclusion was the salmon from the end of the universe yet not!
Read MoreToday it will be a bit more rustic. Since the main course is a soup, there is something solid beforehand.
Read MoreFinally, on this day, there is a Lea Linster recipe that does credit to the Brigitte magazine - simple, sweet, with a guarantee of success.
Read MoreSecond truffle test - what else can be done with the noble piece?
Read MoreWell I have to test it now, the just acquired truffle… In the meantime it is freed from the clay, thanks to a toothbrush no problem.
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