Asparagus with Polish Sauce
Today, on the way back from a business trip, I came across the asparagus farm Hennenberg close to Münster.
Read MoreToday, on the way back from a business trip, I came across the asparagus farm Hennenberg close to Münster.
Read MoreOn holidays, when everything should be especially great, often loses the relaxed feeling of pre-cooking, the flow, because you have to deliver RESULTS.
Read Moreleftover food with the remaining couscous from yesterday: 75 g couscous, cooked.
Read MoreSpring! Blue sky, it is already really warm in the sun and everywhere it begins to grow.
Read MoreSomething tempted me the other day to wrap a piece of apple in a ramson leaf and eat it.
Read MoreEaster seems to be dedicated to quick meals this time - the recipes I picked out are all easy and quick to make.
Read MoreThe lemon curd made on Friday has disappeared! No one knows where he has remained, only two empty glasses are in the sink!
Read MoreAnd who forgot to buy the bread for tomorrow? In the clerically inclined Münster it is of course unthinkable to get bread rolls anywhere on Good Friday.
Read MoreThe end of Lent is approaching - and even if we don’t take this custom very literally, we treat ourselves to another vegetarian dish before the Good Friday fish, this time influenced by Southwest India.
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