Artichoke Terrine with Scallops
How beautiful are those Saturdays, when you come back from the market hungry with a rich booty and first prepare a delicious snack!
Read MoreHow beautiful are those Saturdays, when you come back from the market hungry with a rich booty and first prepare a delicious snack!
Read MoreAfter the sport something strong is needed. It is a good thing that there are still leftovers of vegetable pan with chicken in the refrigerator.
Read MoreSunday is experiment day! I feel in need of veggie after all the meat I eat during my Munich project exile.
Read MoreAfter a week on the road, finally an evening at home again.
Read MoreThe weekend we were busy- friends were visiting and we passed the time (not only) because of the winter weather with nice food and a lot of conversation in the process.
Read MoreToday again a heartier vegetable dish, for a change and to cheer up, made of two kinds of cabbage with proper spices and a cheese covering against the enemies of the pudding.
Read MoreHello you mid-forties, can you still remember the time before your culinary revival?
Read MoreThis dish is a combination of Irish Stew with Pichelsteiner. I emphasize the latter because it is based on a recipe by Wolfram Siebeck, whom I hold in high esteem, and who refined the old German version of stew to make it gourmet.
Read MoreSome pleasures are denied for non-culinary reasons, such as the frequent consumption of some types of fish, which are on the verge of extinction in the wild due to overfishing.
Read MoreA hard day’s night - after a hard day of meetings, the third in a row, I need a quick, relaxing meal in the evening that will also re-energize me a bit.
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