Almondized Chicken Breast with Tomato Apricot Sauce

Always something came in between - first the server move, then the vacation. Now I finally found the opportunity to recreate the recipe Doris asked for. As always a little varied, I hope for pardon.

As a side dish I find a risotto variant interesting, which Robert has already prepared in similar form. I take inspiration from this and start with it, since the finished risotto has to rest for some time. I take

  • 100 g Arborio rice
  • 1/2 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
  • 400 ml of broth from
  • 50 ml port wine
  • 50 ml dry martini
  • 300 ml chicken broth
  • a good pinch of saffron
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

and make a risotto as it is done - sauté the rice and onions, then successively add the broth and stir, stir, stir…. After a good 20 minutes the risotto is cooked, I put it on a plate and mix in:

  • 25 g pecorino
  • 1 egg yolk
  • grated lemon peel from 1/3 of a lemon

I put the risotto, which is now already cool, into 5 cm serving dishes (the quantity fits exactly) and refrigerate them for an hour.

Now follows the sugo:

  • 8 small wild apricot halves, dried.
  • 4 tomatoes, blanched and peeled
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 50 ml red wine
  • 50 ml vegetable juice

I cook together until a thick mass is formed. It goes into a small baking dish. The oven is already preheated to 225°. Now it’s time for the chicken. I roast

  • 240g chicken breast, salted and peppered (2 pieces)

strongly in the cast iron grill pan, 2-3 minutes from each side. The pieces now go on top of the sugo and I coat them with a solid paste of

  • 40g apricot Stilton (in the original Gorgonzola, but it went so well with the vegetables))
  • 1 heaped tsp sour cream

finally, almonds flake on top of the cheese - and off into the oven with it, for 20 minutes. The risotto cakes take just as long in the pan, they fry there in butter over medium heat. First one side, still with rings pushed up a little. Then pull the rings up and turn the cakes over so that the other side also browns well.

Last but not least I fry

  • 2 tsp butter
  • about 15 leaves of sage

and drape everything on preheated plates. Quickly take a photo and the foreign food is ready. Yummy!

chicken fillet covered with thick crunchy almond glaze topping, risotto, tomato-apricot sauce, food photography, professional color grading, soft shadows, no contrast, clean sharp focus, film photography, evenly lit bright room


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