Apple and Ramson Salad

Something tempted me the other day to wrap a piece of apple in a ramson leaf and eat it. Not bad at all, the crisp sweet and sour apple and the soft leaf with the gentle garlic flavor…. You can make something out of it, I thought to myself. Now here it is. A quick little salad for two.

  • 1 apple
  • 50 g celeriac (not necessarily)
  • 8 ramson leaves
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • some lemon peel
  • 1 tsp pink berries
  • 2 good tsp mayonnaise without egg, with coarse mustard

I cut the apple into small pieces and immediately add it to the lemon juice. Likewise the celeriac, which I grate finely after peeling. 4 ramson leaves I cut into fine strips, including stems. Red berries are coarsely crushed, the lemon zest is added grated and then the mayonnaise. Did I ever explain this one? It may be, it’s quite simple: mix 1 part milk (room temperature!) and two parts olive oil together with a magic wand, it quickly solidifies. Salt, 1 tsp coarse mustard, ready.

I arrange the salad on 2 leaves of ramson per serving, which the more daring eat with the salad.

salad with grated apples, grated celeriac, ramson in strips, mayonnaise


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