Avocado Ice Cream with Sesame Brittle

Ice cream as a food substitute is out - the temperatures are again so far in the summer normal that the ice cream pleasure is relegated again to the meantime. I use that to make a hearty ice cream with avocado, which fits quite wonderfully to a lazy Sunday afternoon. However, our household is now divided into BEE and KEE - self-confessed experimenting ice cream eaters and not at all experimenting ice cream eaters. So I process only half of the given amount into ice cream, which I then eat alone. The rest becomes a cold avocado soup with vegetable broth.

I squeeze the lime and cut the leaves off the cilantro. I puree both with the vegetable broth to a green sauce. I add the avocado in pieces and puree it as well, followed by the natural yogurt. The vegetable broth was quite salty with me, otherwise you may have to add salt. I also add the piment d’Espelette. Finally, I add some invert sugar to the mixture.

Now I give as I said half in the ice cream maker and let the ice cream solidify in a good 40 minutes. In the meantime I make the sesame brittle. This is quite simple - I caramelize sugar and tbsp butter in a pan. Then I add the light sesame seeds and let the whole thing boil briefly. Now quickly dump out onto a lightly greased aluminum foil and spread thinly with the palette. Be careful not to stick your fingers in it, it will give you blisters! After cooling, I can easily detach the plate from the foil and break it into pieces. I keep the leftovers packed airtight.

Now the ice cream is ready, I dress it with a fresh fig, which I cut into thin slices. A few coriander leaves for decoration are added.

Very distinctive, this ice cream! It can be well incorporated into a menu, but then as an appetizer or intermediate course. In this case, the quantities given should be enough for 4 people.

Ice cream

  • 1 lime
  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • 50 ml cold vegetable stock (homemade)
  • 1 large ripe avocado
  • 150 g natural yogurt
  • 1/2 tsp piment d’Espelette
  • salt


  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 2 tbsp. light sesame seeds


  • 1 fresh fig a few coriander leaves

avocado icecream with sesame brittle


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