Avocado-Tomato Bruschetta

Today it will be a bit more rustic. Since the main course is a soup, there is something solid beforehand. The already mentioned rustic bread of Tollkötter is toasted a good basis for a bruschetta beforehand.

I take per slice

  • 2 tablespoons cream cheese
  • 1/2 clove garlic, very finely diced
  • a few chive rolls
  • fleur de sel

and spread this mixture on the toasted slice of gray bread. On top I put

  • 4-5 rocket leaves
  • some slices of cocktail tomatoes
  • 1/2 avocado in slices some lime juice

Now roughly pepper, salt, brush with a little olive oil - ready.

cream cheese, avocado, tomato bruschetta


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