Baked potato with Sour Cream, Herbs and Fried Mixed Mushrooms

Today I feel like something rustic. At the organic market there are huge potatoes, one of them goes into the basket - it weighs almost a pound. In addition 250 g mixed mushrooms, with me it is chanterelles, oyster and herb mushrooms and champignons. A cup of sour cream is added and a bunch of dill - not used for a long time.

How do you cook a giant potato like this? Best not at all - it goes in the oven at 200° and is pretty much cooked after 100 minutes. Time enough to clean the mushrooms and make the herb sour cream. I chop the dill and put it in the blender cup along with a handful of very small goutweed leaves. There they become a green sauce with some sour cream. To season, I add pepper, salt, and a scant teaspoon of crushed seeds from the garlic ragwort - it’s ready to harvest right now, last weekend we painstakingly collected a tiny jarful. The crucifer seeds are reminiscent of mustard, but also have something nutty. To top it off, some onion puree, made on the Microplane.

Now the potato is finally ready. The mushrooms fry together with half a very finely chopped onion briefly in orderly butter, are salted and taste quite excellent with the potato.


jacket potatos with sour cream and dill, with sauteed mushrooms


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