Ball Zucchini With Chanterelle Puree

The zucchino is known to us as a pale - some say boring - contemporary. It likes to absorb flavors of other substances to harmonize with them, but it does not contribute much to the culinary experience with its own taste. Thus, the preparation must ensure that the evening meal becomes a delight. In ball form “F1” it is a variant on the kitchen table, which I did not process so far.

The shape dictates filling - but with what?

I cut 3 small ball zucchini in half lengthwise and hollow them out with a ball cutter. The insides are coarsely chopped and sauteed with a grated carrot, a small onion in chunks and a grated clove of garlic and some marjoram. This creates the base in the casserole dish.

About the filling: I boil 8 small potatoes as jacket potatoes, peel them and mash them to a pulp. To this I add -finely grated- 1 clove of garlic and a good dash of olive oil. While the potatoes are cooking, I clean a handful of chanterelles and chop them up. I fry them briefly with a chopped spring onion and some shredded Black Forest ham (2-3 slices). I add the fried stuff to the mashed potatoes and make it smooth with some mushroom stock from the cleanings.

The rest is easy: stuff the zucchini, put it on the vegetable base, pour the remaining mushroom stock over it and bake in the oven at 200° for 40 minutes. On half of the zucchini I put mozzarella and some parmesan shavings, but it doesn’t have to be. The cheese-free version tastes almost better and looks more attractive, too.

The two of us polish off the entire dish.

satelite zucchini stuffed with chanterelle, potato mesh, ham and onions, food photography, very detailed, cinematic


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