Cauliflower Curry with Green Asparagus

Asparagus, now it really starts… the first green asparagus is still from Italy, but it is good enough for this everyday dish. It’s also fresh, so nothing can really go wrong.

The obligatory potatoes take the longest, I cook

  • 500g potatoes (Laura)

as jacket potatoes in a good 20 minutes soft. Next comes the.

  • cauliflower (small, 400 g)

which Siebeck once called “vulgar stinker” - a deliberate provocation to blow the stink out of the German Sunday kitchens of the 70s. But then, cut into very small pieces, without the stalk, he allowed it to stand, and that’s how I make it today, too. In hazelnut-sized pieces I only need to cook it briefly, after 3-4 minutes it is good. I still save the water. First I blanch in it

  • 500 g tomatoes

and then peel them. I then fry them together with

  • 1 spring onion, in pieces
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 good teaspoon of English curry (hot)

in the pan until soft. Meanwhile, I break off the bottom ends of

  • 500 g green asparagus,

breaking them where the skin softens. The asparagus also goes into the cauliflower water, about 6-7 minutes, then it is soft enough. Rinse, dry and keep warm in the oven at 90°. I keep adding a little of the vegetable water to the tomatoes when they get too dry and threaten to burn. Lastly, I have a spicy orange sauce that I add the cauliflower florets to and let them get hot again.

Now it’s quick to serve. Asparagus first, then the potatoes and cauliflower sauce. As a top I put

  • a little coriander green, cut
  • some pumpkin seeds, roasted
  • some pumpkin seed oil

over the portion. Very aromatic and colorful beautiful spring, and ready after 45 minutes. We are not greedy and save the leftovers, a single serving is left for tomorrow.

cauliflower curry, with asparagus pieces, with tomato pieces, with leek, some pumkin seed


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