Coconut and Nettle Soup

This is a simple and quick recipe for which there are many variations. I think this one is the best.

I coarsely chop 100 g young stinging nettle leaves (already picked from the stems) and saute them in some olive oil. Then I add vegetable broth, maybe half a liter. The leaves cook for a good 5 minutes until soft, then I puree them with a wand. Then I add a 200ml of coconut milk (60%). There you go!

Serving soup involves a bit of decoration. I roast some dried nettle fruit in butter, but they don’t fit so well - too crumbly in this soup. Better is the pumpkin seed oil, of which I also add a few drops to the plate.

Please note that nettles are high in histamine and therefore can cause the usual adverse reactions in allergy sufferers. So please test first.

soup from coconut milk and stinging nettle


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