Cream of chicken soup

After the sport something strong is needed. It is a good thing that there are still leftovers of vegetable pan with chicken in the refrigerator.

I take

  • 1/2 liter of homemade vegetable broth
  • 1 bowl of leftovers with chicken (leek, mushrooms, broccoli)

and heat it together. Then the magic wand mixer comes into play, I puree the soup. This does not go well, the fibers of chicken and leeks do not chop well. That’s why I let the pureed mass cook even further until the flavor has transferred to the liquid. Then I pass the puree through a fine sieve. Now I add

  • 1/4 cup cream
  • 2 tsp curry (leftovers from here).

Before serving, I whisk the soup again.

  • 1/2 handful of cilantro leaves
  • two spring onions briefly fried in butter
  • some chicken meat held back

come with in the bowls, ready is the quick soup!


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