Egg-Fried Rice with Curry Tofu

The leftover recycler is here! A bowl of rice is still in the fridge and a package of tofu is waiting for its fate for some time now. What to do? Well, beat everything together and with a little accessories conjure up a tasty leftover meal out of it …

I cut one package (225 g) of Nigari Tofu into small cubes and fry them hot in plenty of olive oil for about 5 minutes until brown. The cubes are neatly shrunk and lay briefly on a paper towel to degrease. Then I finely dice a walnut-sized piece of ginger and two cloves of garlic. They go into the pan that the tofu just left, along with 4 large scallions, cut into rings, and saute over medium heat with 1 tbsp curry (for me, a homemade mix of turmeric, cumin, bell pepper, paprika, chili) for a bit. Then I add 2 tbsp soy sauce and shortly after 2 tomatoes, also diced. The skin can stay on, as the dish is now almost done and the tomatoes are just getting warm. Only the tofu cubesll back in, and a handful of basil, cut into fine strips, comes under the dish.

The already cooked rice is frying in parallel all the time in proper oil. This should be done in a good coated pan, or in a lot of oil, otherwise it sticks. At the very end I add two scrambled eggs to the rice and let them falter briefly. Season with pepper and salt.

Everything together comes quickly on the table and is quickly plastered. Saturday evening times as everyday life, relaxing ;)

Egg fried rice with curry tofu, basil, ginger, garlic, presented as a gourmet dish, cuisine


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