Fillet of Lamb with Apple-Potato Gratin

At the end of an active cooking weekend, Monday evening I finally have the required lamb to eat. Lea Linster tempts with a recipe, though I’m afraid I have to skip the most interesting part - white bean puree, since I thought too late about cooking beans. So I serve an apple-potato-sage gratin with them, whose recipe I got from lamiacucina’s site and which has been on the re-cooking list for a long time.

The gratin is also first on the list. I’ll spare the listing, the link above links to the recipe as I recreated it. However, the potatoes take much longer to soften for me. Luckily, I tested them before I started roasting the lamb. The gratin gets an additional fifteen minutes with the lid on, then another 5 minutes under the broiler, for a total of an hour in the oven.

Now for the vegetables:

  • 1 spring onion, finely chopped
  • 3 tomatoes, skinned, seeded, finely chopped
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • 3-4 sprigs of basil

I cut the tomatoes next to the center so that the insides come out well.

Now it’s the lamb’s turn.

  • 300 g lamb fillet, cleanly parried

hot, then fry for 7-8 minutes in total, after 3-4 minutes move to the side and fry the vegetables briefly and deglaze with a little balsamic vinegar. After that, the lamb also comes once again in aluminum foil in the now already cooling oven. Meanwhile, I add the basil to the tomatoes in the pan for a few seconds and place the vegetables on preheated plates. Next to it comes the gratin, then I cut the lamb, which is still very pink, just the way I like it.

The potatoes could still have been a little longer. The gratin, together with the second portion of the lamb, still remains in the oven at 90 °, which is good for both.

A nice end to the Easter days! For dessert, we have another piece of Tarte aux Oranges, but that’s another story….

my first midjourney v5 image :) grilled lamb fillet, with fried tomatos, with potato-apple-sage-gratin


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