Fish Gourmet Bake with Potato Salad

The main course reminds of a family tradition. In the past we had “real” Iglo-Fish Bake and potato salad on Christmas Eve. So tweaking while remembering good old times is easy.

I bought some at the market yesterday for this dish

Fish Bake

  • 2 fillets of loin of spined loach (330g together)
  • brown mushrooms (I need 4)
  • 1 tomato
  • some cheese (a not too strong mountain cheese always works)
  • 1 shallot

I brush the fish with liquid butter and put it in a suitable form. Then I cover it with greaseproof paper and put it in the oven preheated to 80°. It stays there for 30-40 minutes, which gives plenty of time to eat the appetizer.

I have already cut the mushrooms into narrow slices and skinned, seeded and diced the tomato. The shallot I cut into narrow rings, which I stew in butter until soft.

Now I cover the fillet: first with the raw mushroom slices, then with the onion in the fried butter, followed by the diced tomato. The whole thing is well salted and I sprinkle some thyme on top. Now follows the finely grated cheese. The whole thing I press well and the pack now goes for 10 minutes on the top rail under the oven grill at medium heat. When doing this, I separate the two fillets with a piece of parchment paper standing vertically so that the crust doesn’t run into each other.

Potato salad

The preparation also reminds me of my childhood, we never made the salad with mayonnaise, soindern always like this. The lamb’s lettuce is new.

I cook

  • 400g La Ratte

as jacket potatoes. Then I peel them and cut them into slices.

  • 100ml chicken broth
  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 2 small shallots in rings
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • salt

I boil briefly until the onions have lost their raw flavor. The broth goes into the potatoes along with 1 tbsp wild herb oil and 1 tbsp mustard and mix. I let the salad sit for three quarters of an hour, then it’s done.

In the meantime I can clean

  • 50g lamb’s lettuce

I add it to the potatoes just before serving, which I season again strongly beforehand and sprinkle with chopped chives.

Since I’m still pretty groggy from my cold, I’ve cooked enough now. We therefore swap desserts with Christmas Day and eat some Christmas cookies for dessert.

Gourmet fish fillet stacked with small tomatopieces, stacked with melted cheese on top, with potato salad side dish, food photography


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