Fried Celeriac Cutlets

A childhood dish - deep-fried celeriac. It was to be served this afternoon with the week’s leftovers, as a snack.

All prepared, but where is the breadcrumbs? A thorough search of the food cupboard reveals - there’s nothing! What now? I improvise and grind

  • 4 slices of Mjölk crispbread.
  • 1 egg
  • some flour with thyme

make the breading for

  • 2 slices of celeriac, 2 cm thick, cut in half, cooked for 8 minutes,

which I then fry floating in butter/oil. This is accompanied by some of the pickled beet with some bean puree from last weekend, which has kept beautifully in the fridge. And one of the pickled eggs from the beet brine, jazzed up a bit with mustard and olive oil.

celeriac slices, deep fried, with beetroot


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