Herb Pasta with Lecsó

The end of a week with a lot of travels is here - I finally get to work in my own kitchen again. Since it should go quickly, there is pasta.

I prepare pasta dough from

  • 300g double flour 405 ( instant flour)
  • 3 small eggs some salt
  • 3 good teaspoons of nettle and ground elder pesto
  • a little olive oil
  • a little water (wet your hands while kneading)

and let the dough rest in a freezer bag for 45 minutes. In the meantime I add

  • 3 peppers

halved under the grill and leave it there until it blisters black. Then while still hot, put them in a cooking freezer bag and let them rest there for 30 minutes. Then the skin will come off reasonably well. I also blanch, skin and seed

  • 3 tomatoes.

Now I can prepare the sugo. I cut tomatoes and peppers into narrow strips and saute them together with

  • 2 cloves of garlic, finely diced
  • 2 tsp savory
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • salt

But do not overcook! The vegetables should only become warm and a little soft!

From the dough I take a good third - the rest comes in the bag in the refrigerator - and squeeze it through the machine. Level 9/9 - too thin, as I realize later. No matter, now it’s done. I make tagliatelle, they only need to cook a few (2-3) minutes.

On top of the meal I include

  • pine nuts, roasted
  • lemon peel, finely grated
  • good olive oil.

The herbs look nice in the pasta, but can’t stand up to the peppers. More will have to go in next time!

tagliatelle, tomato and bell pepper sauce, lemon zests on top


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