Lamb Liver with Fava-Chanterelle Puree

A recipe in Oskar Marti’s “Summer in the Kitchen” catches my attention. Broad beans with chanterelles! This sounds very interesting, let’s see what can be made of it…. first candidate are strips of beef tenderloin, but the round at the market brings something even better: lamb liver I’ve always wanted to eat and the trusted lamb dealer has it on the list today. So fresh to the work!

Already in the afternoon I make the puree. A kilogram of broad beans give after the Palen, short blanching and removing the shell a good 300 grams of seeds free. I sauté them in a little butter. To this I add 150 grams of cleaned chanterelles and continue steaming. After a few minutes I add 100 ml of milk, also the leaves of one sprig of savory and of two sprigs of mountain basil. Add a little salt, and the vegetables simmer until tender in 20 minutes. I then pass it through a sieve and keep the puree in the refrigerator until evening.

The lamb liver (about 400 g) doesn’t need much cleaning. Siebeck likes to braise them whole, but I prefer to do them classic this first time. I cut them into thin slices, turn them in flour and fry them only very briefly in the hot grill pan, about 20-30 seconds from each side. That way it is still very slightly pink in the center and not at all mealy. The bean puree I have already stirred before with some milk again warm, it comes on toasted Ciabatta bread and on top a few of the herbs used as decoration.

Very tasty! The liver is quite tender and tastes just a touch like lamb, it’s almost sweet it’s so mild. The puree is great - in fact, you don’t need anything else! Unfortunately, it makes you very full, so we rolled away from the table soon after we started….

Next time I’ll add some roasted onions and omit the bread. And maybe a little balsamic reduction as a sauce….

grilled lamb liver, fava puree, sauteed chanterelle


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