Les Macaroni Arabesques

Quick dinner after a late return from Hamburg.

  • About 200g macaroni
  • 1 rest leek
  • 4 small garlic cloves
  • 4 small tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons freshly grated pecorino cheese
  • 1/3 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. piment d’Espelette
  • nutmeg
  • pepper
  • salt

I mince the garlic and cut the leeks into narrow strips while the oven preheats and the pasta water gets hot. Then briefly put the tomatoes in the hot water, to quench. Now add the macaroni to the water and cook for 8 minutes. Meanwhile, the leeks and garlic saute in the pan, I add the skinned tomatoes chopped and turn off the plate. Then add the spices and season vigorously. The macaroni is ready, quickly drain and add to the pan, stir once. Too dry! So save again half a glass of vegetable juice. Now whip the eggs and mix with the grated cheese and pour the pasta mixture into the tart pan and egg/cheese on top! Place in the oven for 15 minutes at 200° on a top rack and then turn on the grill for another 5 minutes. Done! Goes well, the cinnamon!

maccaroni gratin with leek, tomatos, egg and grated cheese mixture on top, cinnamon


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