Mascarpone and Spinach Spaghetti

A quick Friday night dinner after a business trip.

I quickly slice a half pound of mushrooms into thin slices after cleaning them. Two packages of baby spinach briefly pull through the water. Then I put the pasta water on and cut a spring onion and two cloves of garlic - the first into rings, the latter into tiny cubes.

The noodles come into the water, the mushrooms I fry very hot and briefly, then come for 2 minutes the Allioideae in addition. off with it into a bowl and in the oven geminsam with the plates warm kept. Now quickly the dripping wet spinach in the pan, lid on it and collapse in 2-3 minutes. Quickly drain in a colander and return to the pan. Now add a good tablespoon of mascarpone and a good amount of nutmeg to the spinach. Stir briefly. The pasta is cooked! Drain and serve with the vegetables. Then add a yellow cherry tomato and a few small mascarpone curls, and last but not least finely grated pecorino.

Very good, this mascarpone variant - and with yogurt tiramisu for dessert also calorywise justifiable :)

spaghetti plait with spinach and mascarpone, planed pecorino


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