Melted Woodruff Tomatoes and Elder Leek with Chicken Nuggets

Darkness. Footsteps. The door opens creakily and it suddenly becomes blindingly bright. A hand approaches and grabs two bottles from among the assembled jars, bottles and boxes of various mostly homemade sauces, oils, pesti, chutneys, syrups. They are eagerly waiting to be processed - and today is that time once again. I reach for woodruff oil and elderflower syrup and produce an entertaining evening dish from the ingredients I brought along.

Did I already mention that leeks are one of my favorite vegetables? If not, it is hereby made up for. Occasionally it leaves its role as an oniony cue-giver in soups and casseroles and becomes one of the main actors. Today I take two stalks of leeks, they are long and thin at the moment and can be steamed well. I do this in a mixture of a glass of elderflower syrup, a glass of semi-dry white wine, some salt, a few peppercorns, a small bay leaf, and a juniper berry. the finely chopped rolls simmer away for maybe 20 minutes until soft.

In the meantime, I peel 3 blanched tomatoes, remove seeds and inner liquid, and cut the leftovers into julienne. They are later heated slowly with some woodruff oil and salt. Do not boil. The tomatoes melt a little, but retain their fresh flavor.

The “meat garnish” consists of **chopped chicken breast - one is enough. I bread them in flour, egg and spelt breading, flavored with ground coriander seeds and herb.

I blanched one of the green leek leaves very briefly in advance and cut it into long narrow strips, I now take that and tie a bow around the leek rolls - looks nice! And tastes so really delicious!

Quantities are for one person.

chicken nugget, finely chopped tomatoes, steamed garden leek rolls


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