Onion and Orange Couscous with Kohlrabi Vegetables

Spring! Blue sky, it is already really warm in the sun and everywhere it begins to grow. There must be something spring-like to eat today! I get in the organic supermarket the last kohlrabi, others probably already had similar ideas.

About the dish - it’s really quick and easy.

Mis en place:

  • 2 kohlrabi peeled and cut into thin sticks.
  • 2 small red onions, cut into very small cubes
  • 6 walnuts, coarsely chopped
  • 1 good teaspoon black cumin, briefly roasted without fat
  • 1 piece of dried orange peel, mortared to powder (just under 1 tsp.)
  • 1/2 tsp. piment d’Espelette
  • 2 tsp good balsamic vinegar

Now you’re ready to go:

  • 75 g coucous (I took too much again! Tomorrow we’ll have couscous again!)

pour over 150 ml boiling water. Salt it, put it in the oven preheated to 80° and let it swell for 10 minutes. Now sauté the kohlrabi in olive oil for a few minutes, then add

  • 1/2 cup of cream
  • salt
  • nutmeg
  • pepper

add. Put the lid on the pan and continue to steam for just under 10 minutes, until the kohlrabi are just crunchy. Now sauté the onions in a little oil and deglaze with balsamic vinegar. Add the rest of the ingredients. After the end of the swelling time add in the couscous and mix.

Last but not least, I add a good handful of chervil to the kohlrabi. Only now, because I bought such a pot with herb overpopulation and the individual plantlets remained scrawny and powerless due to lack of space. You can steam full-grown chervil if you like!

Arrange on preheated plates, ready! It tastes as planned. Still slightly crunchy, quite tender herb kohlrabi harmonizes very nicely with the stronger, colorful couscous. This is going on the recooking list!


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