Orange Curd

The lemon curd made on Friday has disappeared! No one knows where he has remained, only two empty glasses are in the sink! And I still wanted to process it! Unfortunately, there are no witnesses, so I have no choice but to start again from scratch to make mene Easter tart.

The Blogversum is just in lemon tart fever, so I prefer to use the still available juicy oranges for an orange variant to bring a little more color into play.

The principle is the same:

  • 230 ml juice (from 3 oranges and 1 lemon).
  • 1 good tsp each of orange and lemon zest
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g butter
  • 120 g sugar
  • 1 tablespoon starch

Mix the juice and sugar with the starch and bring to the boil. Then gradually stir in the butter. Whisk in the eggs. I then add about a third of the warm sauce to the eggs a little at a time with a small ladle and whisk, similar to hollandaise. This way, the eggs warm up slowly and don’t get scared when stirred into the hot liquid, which they regularly respond to by flocculating.

Then the egg mixture can be added to the rest of the sauce and cooks to a rose over medium heat. Be careful not to miss the right jump! Now quickly pour the orange butter into jars or a bowl. The pot is still hot and the mixture can still tip.

The difference in taste from the Lemon Curd is rather slight, a subtle hint of orange adds variety.

Tomorrow more about my use of the Orange Curd (if mysterious shrinkage doesn’t set in again)!

orange curd selfmade, with ingredients


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