Orange-rosemary Polenta with Turnip Greens and Pangasius

The dried orange peel I made the other day, thanks to a tip from Isi, is an excellent seasoning. Since I still have a lot of rosemary left over from the weekend, I wanted to try the two spices in combination. However, except as a lamb sauce, orange rosemary can only be found on the Internet as a sauna infusion and kitchen cleaner. Therefore, I have to get creative myself. I decide on polenta, not eaten for a long time. In addition, turnip greens, the first thing I see now, and the ecologically correct, but culinary always a bit boring Pangasius.

What is turnip greens? A fairly regional vegetable at any rate. I only know it from northwestern Germany, maybe Netherlands. It’s actually turnip greens that are harvested young. Like all members of the cruciferous family, a cabbage flavor is unmistakable, though quite subtle here. In terms of cooking behavior, it is reminiscent of stalked spinach, the vegetable collapses very much. And like spinach, people used to like to cook it to death, although it cooks in seconds.

Unfortunately, I underestimated how much it collapses. The purchased

  • 250 g of turnip greens

are much too little, it could well have been double the amount! This is how I prepare it: wash properly, then separate stems and leaves. Cut stems into pieces, blanch for 1 minute. Then blanch the leaves for just a few seconds, quench both in ice water. Later, just before finishing, I make a small tied sauce of.

  • 1 spring onion
  • 1 tsp starch
  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • 150 ml homemade vegetable stock
  • a little lemon juice
  • salt
  • pepper
  • nutmeg

and cook the polenta briefly. The polenta is simple:

  • 100 g polenta
  • 300 ml homemade vegetable broth
  • 1/2 sprig of rosemary, very finely chopped
  • 1 tsp dried orange peel, very finely mortared
  • salt

Heat the broth, then stir in the polenta and cook on the lowest heat for 15 minutes. Stir occasionally so that nothing burns. Finally, I put the polenta on a board and smooth it out to a height of about 1 cm, cut it into pieces and fry them in butter for 7-8 minutes. The same time needs the

  • Pangasius fillet (250 g).

Quickly I fillet an orange during that time. Everything on the plate and quickly cleaned up, it’s late again!

fried pangasius fillet, fried orange polenta pieces, sauteed turnip greens, orange fillets


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