Jacket Potatoes with Sauce Hollandaise and Curd Mousse

Grand stage for leftovers: Today we finally have a variation of potato-butter-curd-egg, which I always wanted to make. Just 15 minutes of extra time helps turn an absolute everyday meal into a luxury variation.

I’ll start with the mousse:

250g low-fat curd cheese 1 tablespoon mustard 1/2 bunch chives,cut in small pieces 1 bed of cress, chopped a few basil leaves, chopped pepper and salt

mix to a herb curd.

Then soaked 3 sheets of gelatine in a sip of hot milk and added to the curd. Finally add

  • 1 cup of stiffly whipped cream (in retrospect, I would say 1/2 is also enough)

and fold in. Off with the mousse-to-be in the fridge, in the coldest corner, so that it still becomes a bit firm.

Now they come into the pot, the

  • 500g La Ratte potatoes.

I boil them in salted water as jacket potatoes in a good 20 minutes until soft. At the same time I create the sauce hollandaise from

  • 100g butter, clarified (Ayurvedic 😅)
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons white wine
  • salt
  • nutmeg

by whisking the egg yolks with white wine and salt over the boiling potatoes until foamy, then adding the clarified butter in a thin stream. Finally, salt again and season with nutmeg, then the sauce goes into the oven with a lid in a metal whipping pot at 70° and sits there safely warm for a relaxing 15 minutes until the table is set.

This is easy in this case, the potatoes remain unpeeled, as La Rat have a fine skin that can be eaten even in late autumn.

Et voilà: Everyday luxury!

potatoes boiled in the skin, with sauce hollandaise, and white curd mousse , very photorealistic, food magazine style, long lens, depth of field, shot from material height, hyperrealistic, photo of the year, award-winning photo


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