Red Cabbage and Leek Pizza

The red cabbage must go! Leftover red cabbage is still in the fridge. Since last night was classic goose dinner with dumplings and red cabbage at the very pleasant Restaurant Ackermann, a repetition today is out of the question. This time it should be a pizza.

As dough I create a yeast dough as here described. Then I cut

  • 400g red cabbage leaves

into pieces of about 3*3 cm and blanch them for 5 minutes in salted water. Parallel to this I clean

  • 1 medium leek

and steam the slices in a little olive oil and butter. As a seasoning I add nutmeg and salt. I also prepare a little sauce so that the pizza is not too dry:

  • 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
  • 10 tablespoons elderberry juice
  • 5 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tablespoon orange-olive oil
  • 3 tablespoon elderberry-apple jelly

I reduce to a thick sauce. Now the dough has risen enough and I divide it into three pieces, which rest as balls for another 10 minutes. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those lucky 80cm Guggenau stove owners that Siebeck was always so fond of ragging on about, so my pizzas have to be a bit oval.

I now form a pizza base from the 2 of the 3 dough balls. I cover the bases in each case with

  • 4 slices of South Tyrolean king bacon
  • 40g fresh goat cheese
  • 1-2 sprigs of thyme
  • a little ricotta (leftovers)
  • third of the red cabbage
  • third of the leek
  • third of the thickened sauce.

Now on the perforated tray in the oven preheated to 250 ° and baked for 15 minutes at 240 °. After baking still season with

  • ground black pepper
  • fleur de sel
  • olive oil.

Very tasty “alpine pizza”! By’s forming by hand, the dough is relatively thick, which benefits the topping density, but overall is perhaps a bit too powerful. The third portion I therefore roll with the rolling pin thinly, so that the surface is as large as before the 2/3. So the bottom succeeds better, but then the topping is no longer enough and I help myself with fennel salami and artichokes on the second half.

Conclusion - Very successful combination, next time with half the amount of dough and the full topping!

pizza with red cabbage pieces, ricotta, balsamico, leek slices, very photorealistic, food magazine style, award-winning photo, long lens, depth of field, shot from material height, photo of the year, award-winning photo, embedded in restaurant scenery, well-lit, bright daylight, illuminated from camera , big lighting, no tomato


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