Roasted Asparagus with Tomato Pasta and Wild Herb Pesto

We foodies are herd animals. As soon as an attractive blog entry about a new or long unnoticed recipe appears, we all say to ourselves “I want to cook that too!” and think “why didn’t I have this idea first?”. And then comes the second wave, but because we’re foodies, it’s always a little different than the original. And suddenly, in a few short days, you have a compendium together on a topic that others could make a book out of.

Mestolo started it, Isi followed it up and now I’m due too.

I still have a scarce

  • 1 kilogram asparagus

in the fridge, which is peeled and kept moist. Then I create from

Tagliatelle, which I temporarily store suspended until it’s their turn. The asparagus needs to roast on medium heat for 20 minutes. It does that quite well by pressing it into the pan with a small pot lid. that way, even the not-so-straight and the halved thick (thanks to Jessie for the tip!) spears brown evenly. I fry in olive oil and brush a little butter over them at the end and salt cautiously.

5 minutes before the end I add

  • 2 eggs

in another heated pan in 8cm serving rings and fry the eggs in 5 minutes until done. Dressing. Green goes well with red and white, so there is

  • 50g parmesan, shaved with the Microplane
  • 2 teaspoons of goutweed-garlic-uke pesto

on the plate. The quick meal is ready! While we are enjoying the portion, the 2nd round is frying, because in my pan fits only a pound of asparagus….

fried asparagus stalks, tagliatelle dyed red, egg sunny side up, green pesto, parmesan cheese


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