Salmon and Asparagus on Wild Herbs and Spinach

Sunday morning in the meadows of Münster… Two suspicious figures in thick hiking boots and armed with scissors creep through the area, on the hunt for wild vegetables. This has the disadvantage that it is firmly rooted in the native soil and therefore can not get to safety in time. The assassinating blade snaps shut - the prey is slain. Satisfied we return home with woodruff, groundsel, goutweed, stinging nettle. The latter two find their way into the dish described here, which is actually two (consequently there is also some left over).

  • 600 g white asparagus
  • 400 g green asparagus

is peeled (the peels go into the stock for the dandelion flower soup) and cooked briefly - the white asparagus 8 minutes, the green 5. Here, cooking in a pan is recommended, so that the heads also become soft despite the short cooking time.

  • 50 g goutweed
  • 50 g stinging nettle

I clean, remove the thick stems and steam them in a pan with butter and a little white wine. The leaves are comparatively stable, although they are still young plants. Therefore, they need to stay longer on the stove than, for example, spinach. Salt and pepper.

  • 2 potatoes, peeled and shaved into thin slices.

I boil in 10 minutes until soft and mash them with a little butter with a fork to a coarse puree. Season to taste with nutmeg and salt.

  • 1/2 bunch ramson

is blanched briefly, then placed nest-like on the plates. The puree is placed on top. Next to it the wild herbs, on top the asparagus.

  • 30 g Parmesan

I grate very finely and give it over the asparagus. Now the plates come at 200 ° for a good 10 minutes in the oven, until the cheese is baked. In this time I roast

  • 200 g organic salmon fillet.

I have previously removed the skin and cut the fillet into 4 narrow pieces. I fry them standing upright from both sides for 2 minutes each, so that the core is still glazed. I add the fish to the plate and serve. The reserved goutweed leaves for decoration remain forgotten in the refrigerator.

The wild herb vegetables could have steamed a little longer. I like the taste, it’s just a bit too hard still. Maybe it can be mixed with spinach, so that it becomes a little softer. Otherwise a fine combination, but unfortunately too much…

white asparagus on sauteed spinach, with salmon fillet


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