Savoy Cabbage Fish Roulade with Pink Mashed Potatoes

After a week on the road, finally an evening at home again. It always takes me a while to re-acclimatize, so today is a simple dish. Inspired by Siebeck’s savoy windings, I decide to try it once again with savoy cabbage and fish.

There is even a Siebeck recipe for savoy cabbage and fish, but it was always too unwieldy for me. Siebeck layers raw salmon fillet on blanched savoy cabbage leaves and then steams this construct. It always fell apart for me, so this time we’re having roulades. A newly purchased narrow terrine mold serves as a wrapping aid.

I start with the roulades and blanch

  • 8 large savoy cabbage leaves

for about 3 minutes. Then I put them between two kitchen towels (washed without detergent, by the way, otherwise the scent of persil hangs in the savoy cabbage) and dry the leaves well in this way. Then I line the terrine form with it and season with salt. Pepper, nutmeg. I bought two kinds of fish:

  • 150g salmon fillet
  • 250g fillet of spined loach

I put the fillets in the terrine form and coat the spined loach with

  • 2 tsp coarse-grained mustard.

The salmon should be seasoned differently. Since it is already more aromatic than the white fish, it can be seasoned with

  • a slice of ham.

I cut off the fat strips of the ham beforehand and put them on the spined loach. Now the can fold the savoy cabbage leaves and store the roulade with the seam down.

As a garnish I cook first

  • 500g potatoes in their skins (Highland Red, a floury variety with pink flesh and brown skin).

10 minutes before the end I put on a pan with a little butter and oil and add the roulades. After 2-3 minutes on higher heat, I add

  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1/2 glass of fish stock
  • 1/2 cup of cream
  • 1 tablespoon coarse-grained mustard

and let the roulades cook with lid for 15 minutes. Into the cooked and peeled potatoes I give

  • 80g butter
  • salt

and then I only have to dress the dish. With the pink mashed potatoes and the bright savoy greens, it turned out nice and colorful. The spined loach went down a bit under the mustard, I could have used a more robust fish. The salmon turned out wonderfully.

Savoy cabbage fish roll, food photography, award-winning photo, long lens, table laid out, depth of field, octane rendering, photorealistic, with pink potato mesh as side dish


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