Spaghetti Casserole with Chicken Breast

Steph from the “Kleiner Kuriositätenladen” blog got me thinking about an old favorite dish with today’s recipe that I cook promptly in the evening because it’s quick and can be made well during the week.

I cook

  • 200g spaghetti

and prepare in parallel

  • 2 chicken breast fillets

simply fried in the pan. On medium heat they are cooked after 7-8 minutes, but not yet dry.

  • salt
  • pepper
  • plenty of marjoram

are the only seasoning ingredients. I set them aside and fry in the degreased pan.

  • 150g mushrooms
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 4 peeled tomatoes

and after a while I add

  • 1 glass of white wine

to it. While the sauce is simmering, I preheat the oven to 200° and turn the spaghetti into rolls. This is the only way to get them out of the baking dish in one piece without making a big mess later. Now I put the chicken on the spaghetti and put the tomato sauce all around.

Finally I put on the chicken

  • some pieces of Gorgonzola.

Since it is to become a casserole, comes on the pasta also still some cheese, I take in addition

  • grated Emmental.

After 15 minutes in the oven, the meal is ready and is completely consumed by the two of us.

spaghetti gratin with grilled chicken fillet


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