Spelt Roll with Mackerel Cream

There was this smoked small mackerel as by-catch of the Christmas shopping? I got it at the fishmonger and put it in the fridge for the time being, because it didn’t really fit into the plan.

Now it happened that I was yesterday once again in Frankfurt, remembered the former favorite bakery, where there were always delicious spelt rolls - the spelt souls of Denninger in Bornheim. Shortly decided I drove by there and lo and behold - there is the baker still and also the rolls. They have a crispy crust and are quite soft inside, but very spicy, because also caraway is in the dough.

What do you put on it? This is where the mackerel came into play. Without further ado I mixed it with

  • 3 good tablespoons cream cheese
  • 1/2 bunch basil, finely chopped
  • 1 pinch piment d’Espelette
  • pepper
  • 2 tablespoons walnut oil

mixed and with it a tasty strong fish cream produced, which disappeared then with the breakfast also immediately again…

I wish you all a happy new year!

spelt roll with mackerel fresh cheese cream


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