Spelt Spaghetti with Broad Beans and Bacon

Spaghetti again! In summer this is a nice dish, quick to make and you can eat light things with it. Today, however, it goes with streaky bacon a little more substantial. First, however, the beans have to believe in it, which always mean some preparatory work.

  • 1 kg of broad beans (purchase weight)

First I have to get the seeds out of the broad, furry shells. Based on my last year’s experience I was careful not to get any gnawed shells. That worked, there is no infestation in the seeds. I now blanch the seeds for 2-3 minutes and then rinse them. Now the thick skins of the kernels still need to be removed. With a little practice this can be done quickly. You make a short cut on the back of the bean and now press out the inner kernel from below. This gets me through the bowl in a few minutes, just in time for the pasta water to boil. There are only 180 g net left!

  • 250 g spelt spaghetti

behave harmlessly and cook as usual like normal pasta in 8 minutes. In the meantime I cut

  • 75 g streaky bacon

into very thin pieces. Fry them only very briefly and very hot, otherwise they become tough. To this I add

  • 2 cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped.

After 4 minutes, I add the beans and reduce the heat to low. Season with nutmeg, pepper, salt. I add the finished spaghetti to the pan and toss it in the frying mixture. Now quickly

  • two bunches of arugula

and cut once crosswise, then on the plates. Finally still

  • Sardinian pecorino

finely shaved over the dish.

The bacon is spicy and garlicky, the beans are strong and floury, and the arugula is bitter and the cheese melts - that’s how pasta dishes should be!

spaghetti with fava bean cores, fried bacon dices, garlic, arugula, pecorino


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