Chicory-Pineapple Ragout with Sunchoke Puree and Oyster Mushrooms

Saturday evening alone at home… The wife meets a colleague, so the kitchen is free for experimental dishes. After the winter has officially ended today in the evening at half past six, the winter vegetables must now get out!

This time the specifications are for one serving.


  • 150g sunchoke
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp piment d’Espelette salt

Pineapple vegetables

  • 150g fresh pineapple
  • 1 small piece of ginger
  • pink berries
  • a little sugar
  • a shot of port wine
  • a shot of balsamic vinegar
  • 2 small chicory
  • salt


  • 4 large oyster mushrooms
  • some radicchio

I peel the sunchoke as it is very dirty. Cut it into small pieces, put it in a pot with turmeric and piment d’Espelette and cook it in salted water for fifteen minutes. Then I puree the pieces and keep the puree warm.

I cut the pineapple into small pieces and fry them for 2-3 minutes in a pan together with the very finely diced ginger. Then the sugar comes on top, it caramelizes a little. Deglaze with port and balsamic, add a few coarsely crushed pink berries and it’s done. It is also kept warm.

Now chicory comes halved in the pan and fry in olive oil together with the mushrooms about 5 minutes brown. A little salt is enough, later everything mixes with the pineapple vegetables.

As a decoration, in addition to the radicchio, I also briefly fry a few cloves of very young garlic. They soften quickly and can be eaten well.

Bon appetite!

sunchoke puree, chicory cob and pineapple ragout, grilled oyster mushroom, radicchio leaves on a plate


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