Sweet Asparagus Salad

From the asparagus leftovers is still something there, so I experiment a little. Actually, I dare to cook a recipe of the Swiss chef Oskar Marti …

  • 250 g asparagus tips and pieces
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 70 g sugar
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 orange, filleted
  • 150 g yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons elderflower syrup (original: cowslip honey)
  • roasted hazelnut kernels
  • some cinnamon (not in the original)

First I boil the asparagus pieces for 8 minutes in lemon sugar water. Then I let them cool down in the decoction. The broth is great to drink cold!

Now I arrange the asparagus tips and orange fillets on the dessert plates, heaping the remaining pieces together underneath. The elderflower syrup goes into the yogurt, this over the asparagus. Hazelnuts on it, cinnamon over it, ready is the unusual and yet very coherent salad.

salad of asparagus tips, orange fillets, roasted hazelnuts, cinnamon, elderflower syrup, yogurt


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