Veal liver with Curried Onions and Walnut-Potato Patties

A rare stroke of luck occurred - Friday evening early at home and before that the time was even enough for shopping. The organic market has fresh veal liver - what more could you ask for? The combination of the classic ingredients liver, apple, onion, potato appealed to me in this version.

But first there are some things to prepare. I boil 400 g floury potatoes, peel them and mash them to puree. To this I add: salt, nutmeg, chopped, roasted walnuts (I took about 10 pieces), one egg yolk, 2 tbsp flour. I knead the mixture into a dough and form ping-pong ball sized balls. The then rest for a while.

Now for the onion: I cut 1 vegetable onion into fine slices and put them into a large freezer bag, in which I put 1 tbsp curry and 2 tbsp flour. Shake everything well, now the onions are ready to fry. The flour makes them brown nicely, and the curry adds a golden hue. I fry them in portions in plenty of sunflower oil, degrease them on kitchen paper and put them on a baking sheet at 90° in the oven. There they stay until the end.

Now I can fry the potato cookies. The balls are pressed into flat slices (hands floured, otherwise everything sticks) and fry in butter until brown. They also go into the warm oven degreased.

The apple was a spontaneous idea just before the end, I cut 3 thin slices from a large Boskoop, brush them with lemon juice and steam the peeled slices briefly in a white wine-honey mixture.

And last but not least - the veal liver. As always, it consists of a thick center piece and the thin edges, so I separate the edges and add them to the pan a little later. Over high heat, I sear the liver on the inside first, then turn it over and lower the heat. This way the liver doesn’t bend as much and cooks evenly. Do not over fry! This time it turns out just right, the liver is cooked but still pink.

In the last few minutes, I cut a few arugula leaves into a round radicchio leaf and make a quick dressing of sour cream, apple cider vinegar, mustard, a few dried rowan berries and dried apple pieces, pepper, salt.

And then an enjoyable diner seulement!

calfs liver barely grilled, mini potato patties, roasted onion rings, thin apple slices, radicchio and rucola salad , cinematic view


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