Wiener Schnitzel with Red Potato Salad

Now finally again - Viennese Schnitzel in the traditional way. Served with an aromatic red and green potato salad. A nice hangover meal after yesterday’s wedding party, which lasted a little longer than planned….

First, the salad:

I boil a pound of small early potatoes with skins and pellet them. Into the still lukewarm potatoes, which I cut in half lengthwise, I put an herb vinaigrette made of 2 tablespoons of ground elder nettle pesto, 1 tablespoon of dandelion mustard and a good drizzle of olive oil. I finely chopped the whole thing with a magic wand. Salt it well! Then I thinly slice a handful of shallots, saute them with 2 tsp sugar until soft, then add 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar and 1 tbsp blueberry jam. The mixture cooks down until it’s viscous and then gets a good amount of salt and pepper. I stir the onions into the potatoes.

The Kalbsschnitzel (180 g each) I knock flat - and then only one fits in the pan. So I take 2 pans and heat each a good piece of butter (50 g) in it. I turn the cutlets first in instant flour, then in 2 beaten eggs, then in breadcrumbs and put them straight into the pan. 5 minutes on each side is enough. The missus gets a slice of lemon to go with it. i extend the set with anchovies with capers.

Always delicious!

pink-colored potato salad, wiener schnitzel


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