Wild Home Cooking

Vacation time is the time of culinary deprivations - who once cycled along the classic excursion gastronomy -as I just did at the Dortmund-Ems canal-, knows what I’m talking about. So it’s a good thing that we can stop off at a friend’s house right in the middle of it. The planned short visit turns into a spontaneous lunch invitation. And since the friend has a wonderful garden with lots of wild herbs, we have a quick meal almost entirely from her own garden - only butter, salt and olive oil come from elsewhere.

We quickly pick a few herbs

  • Nettle tips
  • Goutweed (young leaves)
  • Comfrey (small leaves)

In a ratio of 4:3:1, a big bowl full. These are washed and steamed in a pot until tender, dripping wet. A previously sautéed chopped onion adds a bit of pizzazz.

Meanwhile, boiled potatoes are cooking. At the same time, butter is browned, into which we have added a good handful of rubbed-off female inflorescences of the stinging nettle. After 10 minutes the flowers are crispy and go perfectly with butter and potatoes.

From the rest of the collected herbs (see the list of ingredients) we make fine cut and add them to the scrambled eggs.

Salt everything moderately, the wild herbs already bring their flavor. To round it off, add a little olive oil over the spinach.

A feast that we take in the garden under a lime tree to us.

Thanks again to Gisela and Leo!

jacket potatoes, with scrambled egg, with sauteed wild herbs, consisting of comfrey, fleabane, stinging nettle, goutweed, ground ivy, marigold, yarrow, onion, with cirspy fried stinging nettle seeds on top


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