Yogurt-Elderflower-Rosemary Ice Cream

Ah, the ice cream maker! On the occasion of the planned weekend dinner there is again an investment push in the house kochessenz. The chic Unold device Cortina should be it, with compressor, for 1.5 liters of ice, but still quite compact.

The purchase at Saturn turns out typical - half-interested saleswoman placed in a side aisle, she praises the device that you have long since chosen, you drag it home and find out - oil pan broken. While unpacking, I bathe my hands in machine oil. So back again, “Let’s see if I can exchange this, it actually needs to be repaired”. A short growl is enough this time for the customer-friendly backdown, I get a new, unoiled machine.

Back on the way home, I juggle the heavy box on my bike and decide not to buy more fruit, but to start an experiment right away. I take

  • 500 g natural yogurt 3,7%
  • 70 ml whipped cream
  • 80 ml elderflower syrup with rosemary.

I put a sprig of rosemary in a 400ml glass when making syrup, it has now released its aroma nicely to the syrup. I mix everything together refrigerator cold and put it in the ice container. After pressing the start button, the stirrer starts to rotate obediently, later the cooling starts. The device sounds like a small concrete mixer paired with a car cooler. Later, when the ice solidifies, an occasional squeak is added. But that doesn’t matter, it is a production device and is not on the dining table ;)

After just under 30 minutes beignnnt the ice cream to become solid, after 45 minutes it is solid enough for me. The container can be removed from the device, for the removal of the whisk you need a little practice. but ultimately succeeds in the project. The ice cream comes apart from a portion in the freezer and matures there something after. after half an hour it has the right “ice ball consistency”. You should not put such an ice cream in the freezer for too long, because it will become too hard. The absence of eggs and the usual industrial softeners require a little more care in the process.

And the ice cream? Very ingenious, this mixture, I must praise myself. I really like yogurt ice cream, and Elderflower Rosemary might become a favorite. Especially the rosemary flavor, which is light but quite present behind the elderberry ice cream, makes it very appealing.

yogurt icecream with rosemary and elderflowers


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