Asparagus with Polish Sauce
Today, on the way back from a business trip, I came across the asparagus farm Hennenberg close to Münster.
Read MoreToday, on the way back from a business trip, I came across the asparagus farm Hennenberg close to Münster.
Read MoreToday: shopping with good intentions! I printed out the Greenpeace list of endangered fish species because I finally wanted to go shopping as a mature and enlightened consumer.
Read MoreIt should have made me suspicious - at the market yesterday there was almost only Greek asparagus.
Read MoreThe lemon curd made on Friday has disappeared! No one knows where he has remained, only two empty glasses are in the sink!
Read MoreOn Good Friday we have fish, that’s how it has always been, and that’s how we want to keep it - a simple meal that still tastes good.
Read MoreAnd who forgot to buy the bread for tomorrow? In the clerically inclined Münster it is of course unthinkable to get bread rolls anywhere on Good Friday.
Read MoreOh, there were potatoes in the box! The Highland Red have now also spring fever and sprout lively-pink.
Read MoreSchuhbeck calls this lasagna “open lasagna”. By this he means that it is not overbaked after assembly, but eaten right away.
Read MoreHurray, I can cook again - after fasting the preparation-free time is finally over.
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