Grilled Chicken Breast with Spiced Mini Potatoes and Fennel Salad
Finally the new potatoes come from the Münsterland! the wet and cold spring has caused a decent delay, but now we just had the first ones, among them still very tiny ones.
Read MoreFinally the new potatoes come from the Münsterland! the wet and cold spring has caused a decent delay, but now we just had the first ones, among them still very tiny ones.
Read MoreHello-o! Asparagus season is not over yet! Therefore, at least one kilo goes under the knife every week in this household, usually two.
Read MoreFreely after Schuhbeck I rummage in the vegetable compartment and bring so some to light.
Read MoreA quick dinner dish made from leftovers after returning from a business trip:
Read Moreleftover food with the remaining couscous from yesterday: 75 g couscous, cooked.
Read MoreThe end of Lent is approaching - and even if we don’t take this custom very literally, we treat ourselves to another vegetarian dish before the Good Friday fish, this time influenced by Southwest India.
Read MoreSchuhbeck calls this lasagna “open lasagna”. By this he means that it is not overbaked after assembly, but eaten right away.
Read MoreRelocation food - yesterday I still came to cook, but no longer to blog.
Read MoreA good resolution for this year was to stop stockpiling cookbooks that I never cook from.
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