Asparagus, Hollandaise, Ham, Potatoes - Luxury Pizza
May has arrived - just in time for Labor Day, bright spring weather lures us out into the garden.
Read MoreMay has arrived - just in time for Labor Day, bright spring weather lures us out into the garden.
Read MoreLeftover food: I still have cooked quinoa in the fridge and the vegetable box still contains beet, which should also be eaten.
Read MoreAfter work - a quick dinner is needed. Luckily, I already cooked two medium sized beet tubers yesterday, so I can make good use of them now.
Read Moreherb pumpkin very quickly -++- cut small hokkaido into wedges -++- half vegetable onion into rings -++- sauté both together in the pan -++- then steam with a little vegetable broth and marjoram until done (10 min) -++-cook basmati rice with it -++- quickly pick some of the late wild herbs outside in the garden -++- nasturtium, daisies, chickweed, stinging nettle, ground elder -++- roast nettle seeds with old wholemeal bread crumbs in a lot of butter -++- add two pieces of leftover broccoli -++- add chopped herbs over the vegetables -++- take a picture with your iphone -++- ready, enjoy!
Read MoreIt continues with the soup pleasure! I had written day before yesterday that I shopped for two soups.
Read MoreFinally, another home evening! I quickly head to the Superbiomarket after work and buy supplies for two American soups I found this morning while browsing Garland’s Lodge.
Read MoreVacation time is the time of culinary deprivations - who once cycled along the classic excursion gastronomy -as I just did at the Dortmund-Ems canal-, knows what I’m talking about.
Read MoreQuick dish - today I “accidentally” bought fish, because I was at the fishmonger for Saturday dinner to pre-order.
Read MoreLeftover food! I’m early with the first chanterelles, with this year’s wet spring they seem to have grown well.
Read MoreJust back from Rome, it just has to be pasta! Until the cooking event on Saturday in Hamburg I can no longer wait.
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