Radicchio-and-Figs Quinoa

Radicchio-and-Figs Quinoa

Sometimes the idea for a dish arises like a crescendo - first the desire for an ingredient is there, and while it is already in progress, only little by little the other building blocks are added, without planning, but out of a natural harmony - and to bring the lyrical composition back down to earth: sometimes simply from the domestic supplies that need to be used up, The result is unpredictable and often - well, “interesting”.

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Now the leftover chickpeas have to go and falafel comes to mind - at least if you leaf through Schuhbeck’s famous book “Meine Küche der Gewürze” (My Kitchen of Spices) - even if the dish is called “Kichererbsenpflanzerl” (Chickpea Pancake) in cosmopolitan Bavarian.

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