Quickly empty the fridge and garden before going on vacation! Three half-sized cucumbers won’t survive the absence, plus a few potatoes and a few young sugar snap peas.
Read MoreQuickly empty the fridge and garden before going on vacation! Three half-sized cucumbers won’t survive the absence, plus a few potatoes and a few young sugar snap peas.
Read MoreSometimes things turn out differently than you think - while searching for new asparagus recipes, I stumbled upon the e&t website and discovered an asparagus poppy seed variant that intrigued me.
Read MoreMay has arrived - just in time for Labor Day, bright spring weather lures us out into the garden.
Read MoreA rainy 3rd Advent invites you to experiment. I have bought mussels, which should actually be cooked and eaten “as normal”.
Read MoreToday we are going to eat an exotic plant that is actually more native than the contents of, say, a guacamole.
Read MoreQuick winter cooking: I peel some stalks of salsify under water, so the vegetable does not discolor so quickly.
Read MoreHere I am again - the longer blog break is due to the eventful workday and the many private projects, but not the lack of cooking, eating and writing.
Read MoreAfter work - a quick dinner is needed. Luckily, I already cooked two medium sized beet tubers yesterday, so I can make good use of them now.
Read MoreIt is the star of my everyday bakery - a bread from yeast potato dough that has already crept into our bread consumption in the most different combinations and so slowly displaces the bought spelt bread.
Read MoreDo you also love the magazine displays in doctors' waiting rooms?
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