Roasted Cauliflower with Goutweed Lentils
Spring is finally here! Or rather, the herbs, which have had so little time this year, are now all shooting out of the ground at the same time.
Read MoreSpring is finally here! Or rather, the herbs, which have had so little time this year, are now all shooting out of the ground at the same time.
Read MoreA rainy 3rd Advent invites you to experiment. I have bought mussels, which should actually be cooked and eaten “as normal”.
Read MoreAfter work - a quick dinner is needed. Luckily, I already cooked two medium sized beet tubers yesterday, so I can make good use of them now.
Read MoreStone Age cuisine - the word caught my eye the other day in the daily newspaper.
Read MoreNigel Slater loves parsnips. That’s why his great vegetable gardening and cooking book Tender has quite a few recipes on the subject.
Read MoreSometimes the idea for a dish arises like a crescendo - first the desire for an ingredient is there, and while it is already in progress, only little by little the other building blocks are added, without planning, but out of a natural harmony - and to bring the lyrical composition back down to earth: sometimes simply from the domestic supplies that need to be used up, The result is unpredictable and often - well, “interesting”.
Read MoreThe trusted fishmonger has smelt and convinces me that I don’t need a deep fryer to process this small fish.
Read MoreWeekend at the parents - how are we going to get our necessary asparagus ration?
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