Roasted Cauliflower with Goutweed Lentils
Spring is finally here! Or rather, the herbs, which have had so little time this year, are now all shooting out of the ground at the same time.
Read MoreSpring is finally here! Or rather, the herbs, which have had so little time this year, are now all shooting out of the ground at the same time.
Read MoreWhile browsing through a cookbook, I come across Björn Friday’s Star Snack Book.
Read MoreWhile browsing through old cookbooks, I stumble across this “recipe” from Jamie Oliver.
Read MoreIt is the star of my everyday bakery - a bread from yeast potato dough that has already crept into our bread consumption in the most different combinations and so slowly displaces the bought spelt bread.
Read MoreAttention - wake-up call! Right now is the time to pick green walnuts and turn them into pickled delights - at least I hope they will be.
Read MoreNow finally again - Viennese Schnitzel in the traditional way. Served with an aromatic red and green potato salad.
Read MoreIce cream as a food substitute is out - the temperatures are again so far in the summer normal that the ice cream pleasure is relegated again to the meantime.
Read MoreFrom the asparagus leftovers is still something there, so I experiment a little.
Read MoreThe lemon curd made on Friday has disappeared! No one knows where he has remained, only two empty glasses are in the sink!
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