Veal liver with Curried Onions and Walnut-Potato Patties
A rare stroke of luck occurred - Friday evening early at home and before that the time was even enough for shopping.
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Quick Pumpkin with Herbs
herb pumpkin very quickly -++- cut small hokkaido into wedges -++- half vegetable onion into rings -++- sauté both together in the pan -++- then steam with a little vegetable broth and marjoram until done (10 min) -++-cook basmati rice with it -++- quickly pick some of the late wild herbs outside in the garden -++- nasturtium, daisies, chickweed, stinging nettle, ground elder -++- roast nettle seeds with old wholemeal bread crumbs in a lot of butter -++- add two pieces of leftover broccoli -++- add chopped herbs over the vegetables -++- take a picture with your iphone -++- ready, enjoy!
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